CDC and AAP claim Thimerosal in vaccines is safe, however due to synergistic toxicity with aluminum, antibiotics and other ingredients, we cannot predict the outcome. Here's why:
"Synergistic effects on ethylmercury is demonstrated by the dramatic enhancements of Thimerosal toxicity against neurons in culture by aluminum cation (Al3+), antibiotics and testosterone. Al3+ is another component of vaccines and dramatically increases the killing of neurons by thimerosal. Testosterone, at low nanomolar levels is not noticeably toxic to neurons. However, if testosterone is present with low nanomolar levels of thimerosal the rate of neuron death is greatly enhanced, more so than with Al3+.
This likely explains the 4 to 1 ratio of boys to girls that become autistic and the fact that most of the severe cases of autism are boys. This involvement of testosterone in autism is further supported by the work of Dr. Baron Cohen of England who studied the amniotic fluid of mothers who gave birth to autistic children. The only abnormality he found was that their amniotic fluid contained elevated testosterone. It is likely that this early elevated testosterone level rendered these children at enhanced risk for ethylmercury neurotoxicity.
"This is a well know phenomena in toxicology as it has been reported many years ago in a study on determining the lethal dose (LD) that "the administration of an essentially no-response level (LD-1) of a mercury salt together with a 1/20 of the LD-1 of a lead salt killed all of the animals." If the toxicity were additive only 1 to 2 rats of 100 should have died, instead 100% died. (J. Shubert, E. Riley & S. Tyler. Combined Effects in Toxicology--A Rapid Systemic Testing Procedure: Cadmium, Mercury and Lead. J.Toxicology and Environmental Health v4, p763, 1978.) What the data from several studies clearly shows is that no one can state what is a "safe" level of mercury exposure without knowing the concentration of all other factors that may synergistically exacerbate mercury toxicity." -
Report on Mercury Toxicity from Dental Amalgams and Thimerosal Presented to Congress by Dr Boyd Haley
Given this clear demonstration of synergistic toxicity, are you prepared to allow your newborn to be injected with mutliple vaccines containing aluminum and a "trace" amount of mercury (Thimerosal)?
The FDA does no safety testing on vaccines, let alone vaccine combinations; instead accepts the safety statements --along with hefty expediting fees-- from the manufacturers. Only after 43,000 people die such as with Vioxx, will the FDA consider withdrawing their approval of a drug, after the fact. But, once your child is damaged, it's too late!
"Barry Rumack, MD was hired by the FDA to review that status of mercury levels in children with an emphasis on childhood vaccines. According to his findings, "
There was no point in time from birth to approximately 16-18 months of age that infants were below the EPA guidelines for allowable mercury exposure... In fact, according to the models, blood and body burden levels of mercury peaked at six months of age at a shocking high level of 120 ng/L. To put this in perspective, the CDC classifies mercury poisoning as blood levels of mercury greater than 10 ng/L." Dr. Rumack notes that the FDA chose to hide this finding from the public and higher health officials." source:
America's taxpayer-funded bureaucracies lie about vaccine safety to maintain power and funding while harming children
New Vaccines Still Cause Autism and the U.S. Government Knows It by Dr Gary Null and Richard Gale
Mercury on the Mind by Donald W Miller Jr, MD, Professor of Surgery, University of Washington
University of Michigan Medical and Public Health:
Mercury Used in Vaccines Conclusively Linked to Causing Autoimmune Disorders
Thimerosal Found to Disrupt Mitochondrial Function in People With Autism